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December 6, 2021

9 Essential Tips for Traveling with a Cat

  • Tips
  • Cat
  • Travel
Small cat in hiking backpack outdoors with pet parent

Have you ever taken your cat on a long journey? Are you considering it and are wondering what it will be like for them? Cats are experts at getting around and exploring, so traveling with them is not always easy. Most of them don't like to be confined.

However, there are some things that can make the experience much easier for both of you. These tips for traveling with a cat will help ensure that traveling with your cat is safe and fun!

1. Pet-Friendly Hotels

If you're going on a long road trip with your cat, it's important that you know the location of all the pet-friendly hotels so that your cat can go outside to use the restroom.

You'll also want to find out if they allow cats on balconies or whether there's some other way for your cat to be able to get outside.

If your cat is an outdoor cat you'll need to ensure that they have a way of going outside. This is why it is important that you do your research and find pet-friendly hotels.

2. Tips for Traveling with a Cat on a Plane

If you're going to be taking your cat on a plane, it's important to look up the airline restrictions for pets and figure out what size carrier is required.

Make sure that your cat has a carrier that is big enough that they can turn around in, but small enough so that they can be kept under control, if necessary.
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It's also vital that you know how to transport them safely in the event of turbulence.

3. Get Vet Approval

It's important that your cat is physically fit enough to travel without any problems. While it might be fun to go on a road trip, if your cat is only used to living indoors or doesn't like traveling due to anxiety issues, it's best not to force them.

It might be better to find a pet sitter or pet lodgings for them.

4. Extra Supplies and Toys

Bringing extra litter and towels to clean up accidents will make your time on the road or airplane a little more comfortable.

You can also bring a scratching post and toys for your cat to play with. This keeps them busy and entertained which will help reduce their anxiety levels.

5. Bring Enough Food

Bring the right cat food for your cat especially if they eat a unique diet. If you're not sure, then it's best to bring and wet food along on the journey just in case.

If you're traveling far, be sure that they are good for six hours or more so have their food and water on hand!

Pack Go! Solutions wet food recipes packaged in reclosable Tetra Pak® cartons, perfect for on-the-go.

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When it comes to food it is better to overpack than under-pack.

6. Pack a Bed and Blankets

Make sure you pack a bed or blanket that smells like home, too! If you have to stop at a pet-friendly hotel, and your cat is still having trouble adjusting to the new environment, you can put some of their old bedding on the floor or any other surface they can sleep on.

This might not be as good as being at home but it will help calm your cat's nerves and make them feel more comfortable.

7. Take a Test Drive

One very important thing you can do before going on a trip with your cat is to take them on a test drive. The first time you take your cat somewhere in a carrier, try just going a short distance and see how they behave.

Some cats may hate being confined, others might be okay with it as long as they have an opportunity to explore. If you find your cat loves the trip from the start, you will know that confinement won’t be a problem for them.

8. Carry a First Aid Kit

You probably already know that you need to carry a first aid kit along with you for yourself or any kids you may be traveling with. However, you should also consider bringing along a first aid kit for your cat as well. The fact is that accidents do happen and you need to be prepared for them as much as possible.

It is also worth bringing a first aid kit and any medications and supplements that your cat may be taking. Most common medications, like antihistamines and tranquilizers, come in tablet form and should last the duration of the trip.
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9. Keep Your Cat Cool

Keep your cat cool when traveling by putting a small bag of ice that is covered with a sock or towel in the carrier. This will ensure that your cat is not in a hot environment.

Cover the carrier with a blanket or towel and place it out of direct sunlight. However, when you cover the carrier, you should ensure that you still leave enough ventilation openings so that your cat remains comfortable. A cold wet cloth on the inside of the carrier can also help.

Enjoy Your Trip

The tips for traveling with a cat that was discussed here will help to make your cat more comfortable. However, it is important to remember that every cat is different, and you need to pay attention to the signals that your cat sends you about their comfort level. This is the key to successful cat travel.

Check out our store locator to see if your cat's favorite Go! Solutions food is available in the city you are visiting.


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We all want our cats and dogs to lead happy, healthy lives. We’re here to help you, with easy-to-understand information about your pet's daily care and feeding.